

The MEDSt@rts project addresses young and highly motivated people with innovative ideas - usually high-risk companies - and supports them in developing their business. As a partner in the MEDSt@rts project, Saida chamber is implementing the project activities Lebanon. MEDSt@rts - Med microfinance support system for start-ups - project is financed by the European Union’s ENI CBC Med Programme and implemented in Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Palestine and Lebanon. The main objective of the project is to promote access to credit for young entrepreneurs that are usually "unbankable" and support the creation of new economic and professional opportunities capable of contributing to social inclusion and fight against the unemployment of economically fragile people (young people, women, disabled and unemployed).

The project is offering a comprehensive training course for 10 promoters from each partner country to unlock financial tools, networks and best practices through advising and supporting future entrepreneurs and further promoting the MEDSt@rts project.

After the training, two out of the 10 trained promoters in Lebanon will be selected to provide throughout the Medst@rts project a guidance service for young entrepreneurs, enabling them benefit from the finance opportunities in Lebanon and MENA .

If you are interested to become one of the promoters in Medst@rts project, kindly fill the application form below.


Thank you in advance and looking forward to having you with us !!

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