

ReSt@rts project in Lebanon consults a policy expert in the Microfinance sector for enhancing the national policies

The third semester of ReSt@rts project focuses on the present laws, policies, and regulations governing the work of Microfinance stakeholders, which need from time to time some amendments taking into consideration the developments and changes in conditions in their institutions and in Lebanon as a whole.

In December 2022, within the framework of implementing ReSt@rts project activities, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and south Lebanon recruited a public policy expert. The expert will conduct face-to-face and virtual dialogues with Microfinance and Business Development Services actors in Lebanon to study and identify the national strategic plan and policies applied and followed in each institution/organization in the fields of financing, empowering and training for entrepreneurs. The expert will come up with possible recommendations and suggestions to enhance those policies in a way they meet the needs of the end-actors and realize the ultimate goal of the project for strengthening and empowering the sector.

At a later stage, virtual meetings will be organized with policy experts from partner countries to highlight possible synergies and identify good policies for a stronger impact on the regional level. Then a lobbying campaign will be launched to share the Policy Knowledge Package with national and regional public authorities involved in the implementation of innovative programs for supporting entrepreneurs and managing programs devoted to access to finance.
Stay tuned, we will present each of these stages!

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دليل الانتساب للغرفة لمستنداتا الواجب تقديمها مع طلب الانتساب تذكرة الهوية أو جواز السفر شهادة التسجيل من السجل التجاري صورة طبق الأصل عن ملف التسجيل في السجل التجاري إذاعة تجارية مصدقة  من السجل التجاري عقد إيجار أو عقد استثمار مسجلا في البلدية أو إفادة عقارية بحال تملك المنتيب للعقار. إفادة عن المؤ...
