News Meetings Trade relations between Lebanon and Bulgaria


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  • Trade relations between Lebanon and Bulgaria 1
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The President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and the South received the Bulgarian ambassador.


Trade relations between Lebanon and Bulgaria, their prospects and ways of developing them were presented by the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and the South, Mr. Mohamed Saleh, during his reception at the Chamber’s headquarters in the city of Sidon, the Bulgarian Ambassador to Lebanon, Yassen Tomov, in the presence of the Chairman of the Lebanese-Bulgarian Business Council, Ahmed Alaa El-Din.

The Bulgarian Ambassador gave the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Sidon and the South an explanation of the areas of cooperation between the two countries. In turn, Saleh thanked the Bulgarian Ambassador for his visit to the South, stressing the Chamber’s readiness to work towards developing forms of cooperation and exchanging experiences between the owners of the productive sectors in southern Lebanon and their counterparts in Bulgaria in various fields, especially In the commercial, economic, tourism and industrial fields.