
I -The CCIAS Membership Guide

Formalities for opening all types of Business Enterprises (Nationals & Foreigners)


A - The following documents should be attached to CCIAS membership form:

1. A legal commercial circular including the signatures of people responsible for management, who can sign for the firm to be registered.

2. The lease contract of the work premises for the year, in which the application is submitted, provided it is registered at the municipality of the area in which the work premises are located.  In case these are owned by the applicant, it is sufficient to submit a certificate delivered by the competent office of the Ministry of Finance, showing that he owns the said premises.

3. A certificate from the Mukhtar of the neighborhood in which the work premises are located, ascertaining the validity of the application. 

4. A certificate from the office of the competent tribunal indicating the registration number of the applicant at the Commercial Registry, with indication of the registration date and other relevant information.

5. When the applicant is not a Lebanese citizen, a copy of the work permit, delivered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

6. A copy of the Articles of Agreement, when the firm is owned by more than one person.

7. A copy of the passport or the national Identity card of shareholders or the ownership.

8. For industrial companies: industrial certificate granted by the Ministry of Industry.


B - Fees collected by the Chamber for the following transactions per category (in Lebanese pounds) starting 2024


Latest updated fees charged by the chambers starting from 1/1/2024

In US Dollars

  One-time Membership Annual Membership Membership Certificate Magazine Card Statement Total Renewal
Excellent 200 250 15 20 10 25 520 320

Fee for verification of signature, date or guarantee not including a specific amount in Lebanese Lira 20
Fee for verification of signature, date or guarantee including a specific amount in Lebanese Lira 20

Fees for verification of copies and modification of transactions
Certified Copy 10
Modification of Transaction 10
Fee for issuance of certificate of origin, verification of invoice and price verification 50$

C- Validity of membership fee:

The membership fee is due when membership is granted. The annual subscription fee is due on January 1st of each year. Transaction fees are due upon completion. No document shall be delivered to any person before payment of the stipulated fee.


II- Membership Certificate

Membership Certificate shall  be addressed to a specified party :  

1- The Company

2- The Registration Service for Cars and Vehicles (Ministry of Interior affaires)

3- The Administrations of Public Sector

4- Embassies

5- Customs administration or Official Authorities.

Each Membership Certificate must have a valid date:

1- For the Company: until the end of the Calendar Year

2- For the Registration Service for Cars and Vehicles: for one full year

3- For  Embassies: for three months

4- For the Customs or Official Authorities: until the end of the year

5- For participation in bids : until the end of the Calendar Year


General Conditions:

A field inspection is done every year for the corporations that apply for a membership certificate to the registration service for cars or to participate in the bids.


2-The company documents which are kept in the file at the Chamber shall be scrutinized before any membership certificate is granted to the applicant.


3- Inspection for new or renewing corporations is performed if deemed necessary.


Special Conditions for membership Certificate:

1- Bids for products

A field inspection shall confirm that the Corporation is dealing with the sale and maintenance process of the requested products or the Corporation is an agent for these products according to an official power of attorney.


2- Bids for works

1- Verifying the official documents that confirm the performance, the professionalcompetence and the Human Resources of the corporattion.

2- Make a field inspection to confirm the capacities of the bidder in performing virtually the assigned works. For example: verify the presence of office equipments, tools, instruments and mechanisms essential for the execution of assigned works.


III - The CCIAS Export Documentation Guide

The Chamber is entrusted by the government to process the country’s export documentation system. It issues:  


 I- Certificates of Origin

For granting certificates of origin for exported goods, the following conditions should be fulfilled:

1- The Corporation should be registered at the Chamber and paid the annual subscription fee.

2- The original invoice should be attached with at least one copy.

3- The invoice should include clearly all elements, and information requested and the exporter should confirm the origin of the goods specified in it; and verify that their values are true and authentic with the books of the Corporation.

4- The invoice should be signed by the signing person in the name of the Corporation; it should also have the seal of the Corporation and an affixed financial stamp.

5- The invoice should be issued in Arabic for the National Products exported to Arab Countries; it could be issued in Foreign Language if deemed necesary.

6- The Foreign Documents which are attached to the invoice of goods of Foreign Origin should be completed as requested.

7- The Origin of each good item should be identified if the invoice includes goods of several Origins.

In order to ascertain the true origin, the Chamber may request the concerned person to submit the following documents:

1- For goods of Lebanese Origins

a- industrial products:

- A copy of the certificate issued by the Industry Department at the Ministry of National Economy.

- In case of the producer was not the exporter, an invoice of local sale from the producer to the exporter should be available signed by the authorized signatory according to the commercial circular.

- In case the producer does not have a valid industrial certificate, the Ministry of Industry should endorse the invoice.

b- agricultural products:

A copy of the certificate issued by the competent services at the Ministry of Agriculture.

c- animal products:

A copy of the certificate issued by the Animal Product Office.  

d- goods collected in Lebanon:

A certified true copy of the custom exportation statement and a conformable policy of shipping should be submitted to confirm that the goods are exported from Lebanon. In case the collected goods contain carton garbage, an authorization of exportation should be issued from the Ministry of Industry.

2- For all foreign goods:  

- A certificate of origin of the merchandise imported to Lebanon. This primary certificate should be issued by a Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the country of origin or the country from which the merchandise was exported to Lebanon.  

- Invoice issued from the foreign exporter to the Lebanese Corporation and endorsed from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

- In case the goods are directly exported from a foreign country to another one, the invoice should be attached to the policy of shipping or a certified copy containing all information of the invoice, loading and unloading harbor.

3- Re-exported Goods

In case the foreign goods exist in the Lebanese territories and their custom fees to their entrance were paid, representing the original invoice or a certified copy from the Custom and Certificate of Origin attached by a receipt of Custom payment and Custom leave authorization or Custom Statement. All these documents should include the same elements and information of the Origin.

Concerning the vehicles of public works, tourist cars and used trucks, if the exporter does not have a foreign invoice and Certificate of Origin, the following document should be submitted:

1- Debris Certificate (i.e. withdrawal of vehicle permit) issued by the Director of Registration Department of Cars and Vehicles attached to the Custom Certificate or a copy that is kept in the file at the Directorate of Registration of Cars and Vehicles.

2- Registration Book of the car or vehicle in the Directorate of Registration of Cars and Vehicles attached to a copy of the Custom Certificate.


II- Other services include:

1- Certification of Signatures

The Chamber certifies the signatures of its members, according to the specimen kept in its registers, provided the certification is requested by the signing person.

2- Certification of Copies and Photocopies

Any person who has obtained one of the documents mentioned in the previous articles may request the certification of copies or photocopies deemed true to form, whenever he needs such a copy or photocopy. These documents shall be delivered to the right persons or to their official delegates.

3- Certificate of Registration at the Chamber

Any member of the Chamber may obtain a certificate proving his membership, with indication of his registration number, his grade, the objects of his trade or industry, in addition to any other information the Chamber may ascertain.

4- Certification of Invoices

The Chamber validates invoices and certifies the prices of exported goods, on the basis of the documents submitted by the exporter.  In order to ascertain the veracity of information, the Chamber may request to take cognizance of all documents needed for this purpose.